
Fast, accurate data reconciliation in minutes

See how Reconset prepares, analyzes, and reconciles data quickly, driving productivity and efficiency

Reconset Announces the release of Version 2.1

Release 2.1 offers a completely new self-service capability, further enabling users to build their own data views and reconciliation analyses.

Reconset Solution

Complete Data Solution

Reconset is a business-friendly desktop application that offers a one-stop data solution.  Answer the most common adhoc inquiries without reliance on data extracts or data analysts.

Core Capabilities

Get connected

Upload any Excel or Text file
Connect to any enterprise Database

Prepare your data

Browse any data within enterprise databases without having to download it first
Upload any Excel or Text file
Real-time data browsing
View millions of rows of data
Create as many snapshots as you need

Analyze Data

View data in familiar spreadsheet-like formats including grid, pivot, etc.
Filter and Sort data quickly and easily
Organize columns in any order
Add your own formulas / calculations
Apply conditional formatting
Save as many formats as you want

Reconcile data

Best-in-class reconciliation engine
Reconcile any two datasets quickly and identify matches, breaks, and orphans

Apply multiple rules as needed to match under different conditions
Investigate exceptions and easily resolve data issues

Remediate data

Manage reference data by adding or updating values on the fly
Apply corrections at the source
Automatically includes an audit trail of all changes made

Share Data

Create, customize, and share views across team members
Leverage roles to control who can see data and who can modify it

What people are saying
about us

Flexible options
Ultra Fast Deployment
Live before you can say “No implementation projects”. Get started in 15 minutes.
Build views quickly to manage, transform and reconcile data.  Major projects are history.
Standardize and control your data across your organization.

Cloud Solution

Our cloud offering allows you to get started within a few minutes.  We provide an AWS hosted engine that executes your data requests without any sensitive data leaving your environment.  This solution is best for small teams that do not have access to local infrastructure required to run our engine.
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On-premise Solution

For organizations that want to run our software engine within their environment, our on-premise solution is the best choice.  This requires a small installation footprint on a data server.  This option eliminates any reliance on external internet connectivity.
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Get Started

Learn about features

We use Reconset as a critical part of our operational workflow to review and remediate data on behalf of ourselves and our clients.  Reconset provides us with immediate access to enterprise data, an intuitive analysis platform to view and rollup data, and a full audit trail so we can monitor all changes and measure team performance (KPIs).


Explore your options

Download a personal copy. Leverage our cloud solution. Build a team site. Install our enterprise solution on-premise. We support any configuration and are willing to custom build new data integrations.




Start free for 30 days

We want you to be successful as fast as possible and want to eliminate any hurdles. Use our full functional Cloud solution for 30 days at no cost or obligation.
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